Give To ProAct Today
To make a contribution to ProAct, please use the form below, or call (651) 686-0405 to contribute via phone. All donors, as well as individuals honored by “in honor of” or “in memory of” donations, are listed in ProAct’s Annual Report.
Donations made by check do not incur service fees from the online donations processor, so ProAct will receive your entire donation. If the donor is different than the name on the check, please indicate who we can credit for the donation. Please let us know if the donor wishes to remain anonymous.
Giving By Check, Please Send To
ProAct, Inc.
3195 Neil Armstrong Boulevard
Eagan, MN 55121
Volunteer Opportunities
(651) 686 – 0405
(715) 410 – 4216
Red Wing
(651) 388 – 7108
(952) 403 – 7979